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History and Governance

Our School History

Calvary Lutheran Primary School was established in 1983 as an initiative of the Calvary Lutheran Congregation of Morphett Vale in recognition of the need for Christian education in the southern region. Initial enrolments comprised of 36 students and 3 teaching staff, all in just 2 transportable buildings purchased second-hand.
In 1988, the current library, multipurpose room, toilets and 5 classrooms were built. This was followed by replacing the temporary staffroom with a fully-functional administration/staffroom building.
In 1992 Calvary had grown to a single streamed Reception to Year 7 School with 200 students.
During 2010, Calvary established its first Digital Technologies suite consisting of 30 Mac computers and a server room combined with computer and printer facilities in all classrooms and the library. The school’s computing ability grew with the construction of the second ICT suite as result from the Federal Government’s BER scheme.
Calvary currently has moved to a portable and connected model for Digital Technologies with the introduction of a 1:1 iPad program for Years 4 to 6 in 2022, and has 1:2 ipads available for Foundation to Year 3 student use.
Since 2010 the school has continued to grow and in 2015 undertook a building project to develop a Junior Primary Learning Community. This was partly funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Block Grant Authority and has provided the school with state of the art, agile learning spaces for our youngest learners.
Calvary currently has 10 classes from Foundation to Year 6 and continues to maintain strong parent and community support.

School Ownership and Governance

Calvary Lutheran Primary School is owned, governed and controlled by Calvary Lutheran Congregation, Morphett Vale. Our School is an agency of one congregation. The School Council acts on the congregation’s behalf, holding two meetings per term.
The School derives its financial support from tuition fees from parents, Commonwealth and State Government funding and general donations.
Future growth and development of the school is directed through the implementation of the strategic plan which is developed as a co-operative between parents, caregivers, staff and the school council. As the plan sees fulfilment of its objectives, it is reviewed and reshaped to give the school community a clear and defined direction.
Guidance and direction for the Schools’ staff, administration and council is provided through its statements, aims and objectives. These have been developed since the inception of the School and have become a stable and mature foundation.

School Performance Report

As part of our funding agreement with the Australian Government, we are required to ensure that specific “School Performance Information” is made publicly available to the school community.
This information is provided to the school community in other forms such as newsletters, the web site throughout the year and the Annual Principal’s Report. The following downloadable document is a consolidated version of this information under the headings specified by the Australian Government.



The Campus 

Calvary Lutheran Primary School is located at Morphett Vale on land owned by the Lutheran Church of Australia. The campus is shared with Calvary Lutheran Church, Calvary Kindergarten and the Noarlunga Community Child Care Centre. This provides the unique ability for catering to a child’s needs from birth to the completion of their primary years schooling. Calvary also offers OSHC and Vacation Care programs through Camp Australia.


Buildings and Grounds

The school grounds are focused towards providing a clean, safe learning environment for the students and staff.

The oval, full size basketball and netball court, cricket nets, nature-play, lawn and paved areas enable the school to provide opportunities for students in their physical activities and sports.

The two separate playgrounds are both designed for Junior and Upper Primary students respectively.

The school strives to continuously improve and update its technologies to meet the needs of the Australian Curriculum and student requirements.

Interactive plasma screens in the classrooms provide the teacher with a powerful teaching aid, allowing students the opportunity to actively participate with their learning and engage with their teacher.


Camp Australia - Guiding Children’s Growth

We are proud to partner with Camp Australia to provide our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program.

Camp Australia programs are centred on child enrichment, while ensuring a reliable, engaging and hassle-free OSHC service at our school. Their engaged educators foster a safe, inclusive environment where children can relax, have fun and grow. Camp Australia recognises that children need a different experience in term time to the experience they have on their holidays. Families can choose Your OSHC for before and/or after school experiences during term, or Rocketeers during the holidays.


Your OSHC – OSHC that inspires

At Your OSHC by Camp Australia, every before school, after school and pupil-free day program is tailored to the likes and interests of each child in service. Camp Australia’s educators design enriching experiences to inspire your children’s confidence, independence and imagination. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more – they believe in learning through experience so that each child can grow.



Rocketeers – Extraordinary Holiday Adventures

Rocketeers by Camp Australia is a space for children to escape the ordinary and experience the extraordinary during their school holidays. Every school holiday break is a new mission for children to embark upon. With carefully designed programs, directed by the children and informed by family feedback, no two days are the same with Rocketeers. Experiences planned could include games, arts & crafts, sport, excursions, cooking, coding and more.


Lutheran Education

Calvary Lutheran Primary School is part of a Larger network of schools and Governing agencies. Calvary Lutheran School is one of 48 Lutheran sites of learning and is supported by the Lutheran Education Association, Lutheran Education South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia and the Association of Independent Schools in South Australia.

Mission and Philosophy

School Statement of Aims


Calvary Lutheran Primary School aims to provide a program of Christian Education which will;


Seek to work collaboratively with parents and caregivers to pursue excellence in learning for each child while nurturing them in the Christian faith.


Provide opportunities for all to learn together within an academic and spiritual environment that is safe, caring and aspirational.


Encourage learners, staff and the wider community to REACH for success in all that they undertake!

Learning together for life!



  • At Calvary, students learn together within an academicand spiritual environment that is safe, caring and aspirational, which sets them along the path of lifelong learning.

  • Our school motto of REACH for success sets the scene for students to become leaders in their own learning.

  • REACH for success – Relationships, Engagement, Achievement, Christ-Centred and Holistic



  • Connecting and serving others within a safe, inclusive and supportive community.

  • Developing positive relationships based on mutual trust, respect and honesty.


  • Providing relevant and purposeful learning experiences.

  • Encouraging curiosity and inquiry and the opportunity for self – directed learning.


  • Acknowledging uniqueness and strengths, striving for personal best and encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning journey.

  • Setting high expectations for learning that builds on previous knowledge, experiences and understanding.

Christ – Centred

  • Growing in the assurance of their God – given worth and purpose

  • Relating to God and others through the values of love, compassion and forgiveness.

Holistic Learning

  • Developing the whole person through academic, spiritual, physical, social and emotional learning.

  • Pursuing God given talents to shape and enrich our world.

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