Who We Are

Learning Approach
Calvary Lutheran Primary School aims to provide a program of Christian Education which will;
Seek to work collaboratively with parents and caregivers to pursue excellence in learning for
each child while nurturing them in the Christian faith. Our school motto of REACH for success
sets the scene for students to become leaders in their own learning.
• Connecting and serving others within a safe, inclusive and supportive community.
• Developing positive relationships based on mutual trust, respect and honesty.
• Providing relevant and purposeful learning experiences.
• Encouraging curiosity and inquiry and the opportunity for self – directed learning.
• Acknowledging uniqueness and strengths, striving for personal best and encouraging
students to take responsibility for their learning journey.
• Setting high expectations for learning that builds on previous knowledge, experiences
and understanding.
Christ – Centred
• Growing in the assurance of their God – given worth and purpose
• Relating to God and others through the values of love, compassion and forgiveness.
Holistic Learning
• Developing the whole person through academic, spiritual, physical, social
and emotional learning.
• Pursuing God given talents to shape and enrich our world.
Literacy Approach
All students at Calvary engage in daily explicit, structured, synthetic phonics lessons for reading and spelling using the Playberry Laser program.
Students in the early years learn how to read and spell basic code (letter – sound correspondences) and progress to more complex letter – sound correspondences known as extended code.
In the middle years, students consolidate their knowledge of extended code and less frequent, more complex spelling patterns.
Students in the upper years consolidate less frequent spellings and master spelling rules associated with how meaningful word parts (morphemes) come together. Students are taught morphemes, grammar concepts and common spelling rules from Foundation to Year 6.
Multisensory learning is a cornerstone of Playberry Laser’s effectiveness. Auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning channels are engaged simultaneously as students see (read), say and hear (sound out, segment, blend, read words) and do (spell, write)
Students learn, review and use spelling rules daily in writing tasks. They read and write words and sentences, read texts and learn vocabulary that is new or unfamiliar. Students also learn and practice how to use grammar in context.
All lessons in the Playberry Laser Program utilise proven, highly effective teaching techniques. New learning is revised until the majority of students have reached mastery. The focus on daily revision ensures that the majority of student achieve mastery within the class setting. Students who need more revision access additional (Tier 2 small group) support and students needing even more support may access Tier 3 (1:1 or 1:2 support)
While Playberry Laser has a heavy emphasis on decoding and spelling, it supports reading comprehension and expressive writing as well. Proficient readers with a solid foundation in phonics quickly and accurately decode and store new words, allowing them to understand the text’s meaning. Proficient spellers become more automatic when spelling words. This frees them to think about what they want to say and how to best express it in writing.
Reading and Spelling with ease and accuracy is all about automaticity. Phonics instruction lays the groundwork for efficient word recognition and spelling, enabling student to engage with language at deeper levels.

Christian Studies
Lutheran schools are attended by students who reflect the diverse range of cultural and religious/faith positions in Australia including a variety of religious traditions, non-religious perspectives and Christian denominations. At Calvary we provide a Christian education that encompasses all aspects of school life, including the teaching and learning that develops the whole person, Christian Studies which supports students to learn about Christianity and the world of religion, whole school worship and class devotions, pastoral care for students and staff, behaviour management policies and practices and learning experiences that support the personal spirituality of staff and students. At its core, Christian Education at Calvary, establishes a school culture where the love of Jesus is the foundational principle that informs every aspect of life.
Lutheran schools set aside special times to worship through:
Staff devotions, retreats, and worship
Classroom worship – class devotions, grace prior to lunch, blessing at the end of the day
School worship services
School and congregational worship – some schools have special worship services where school families are invited to attend the congregation(s) connected to the school.
Christian Studies
Christian Studies is an essential part of the curriculum in Lutheran schools. It provides a safe and supportive context in which students can reflect on their experiences of the world and on their own beliefs and spirituality as they attempt to make sense of their rapidly changing and complex global environment, and as they develop their identity as individuals. They do this as they explore Christianity and their increasing awareness of how the Christian faith relates to all aspects of life. In Christian Studies, learners are engaged in intellectually challenging experiences that actively involve them in journeys of inquiry and constructing their own meanings. Students pose their own questions, gather, analyse, critique, apply and reflect on content and concepts. It is hoped that students will broaden and deepen their understanding of the content and concepts in Christian Studies, however, there is no assumption that all students will arrive at the same level of understanding at the same time.
The worship and cultural life of Calvary is enhanced by its music program. Through music, many children are presented with opportunities to develop their God given talents and skills. They are encouraged to participate in and contribute towards the corporate life of the school, congregation and community.
Foundation to Year 6
A sequential programme coordinated across Junior Primary, based on the Upbeat and Music Room curriculum materials. Shared singing times culminating in presentation highlights such as church services, assemblies and the annual School Concert.
Instrumental instruction
Instrumental lessons are conducted during school hours and are offered for a range of instruments including piano/keyboard, guitar and drums.
Music concert evenings
Music Concert Evenings are held twice a year. All Calvary children who are learning instruments, either at school or privately, are encouraged to prepare and to present pieces in a semi-formal concert environment. This provides exposure to performance conditions and an audience for the musicians as they prepare for their musical futures.
Music beyond Calvary
A significant proportion of Calvary’s graduating students have continued to learn their instrument, either within their Secondary School’s music program, or privately. Many of our old scholars contribute musically to local congregations’ worship programs. Old scholars are involved in school and/or community bands.
Calvary students continue to win Secondary Music Scholarships to Non-government and Government schools. Music subjects are offered as a part of SACE requirements. Music presents opportunities for service, enjoyment, recreation and permanent or part-time employment throughout life.