School Fees and Charges
​The school fees are determined each year by the School Council and reflect current costs and anticipated increases. Every endeavour is made
to keep cost increases to families at a minimum, however we will not do this at the risk of devaluing the teaching and learning experiences available. The school continues to offer substantial Family and School Card discounts. An annual payment discount is also applicable if the account is paid in full by the due date indicated on the Fee Schedule.
Invoices for the full years fees are issued to families at the beginning of each year and a progress statement issued at the start of each term. Payments are due to be paid in four equal quarterly instalments unless a payment plan has been entered into or alternative (and operative) arrangements are made with the Business Manager. We expect that all fee payments will be completed by the end of the school tuition year (unless an acceptable arrangement has been agreed with the Business Manager).
Calvary utilises our Parent Portal to manage our tuition payment program. Families will be requested to create a payment plan either by direct debit or card via the Parent Portal.
All other payment arrangements will need to be discussed and approved by the Business Manager.
Acceptance of student enrolments into the school are on the understanding that parents have committed to pay all school fees when they fall due. As a small Lutheran school community, we seek to keep school fees as low as economically possible, so we do ask that fees are paid on time.
Please understand that you are responsible to comply with your chosen payment plan.
If, at any time, families are experiencing financial difficulty, they are encouraged to make an appointment with the Business Manager and/or the Principal in order to seek a timely solution.
Should a family’s decision for their children not to attend Calvary be solely financial-related, we encourage them to contact the school to discuss their particular circumstances.